Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Void Between Xmas and New Years

Today is a very cold and overcast day, but Brodie doesn't mind, as long as he's inside looking out a window. We've just moved into our new house (new to us! The house was built in 1983) earlier this month. The cats have settled in with no problems, but we're still feeling our way around, figuring out where to put everything.
Since I'm inside too, I've been making my baby sock monkeys:
This is Sarah, who is only 3.5 inches tall. I'll be putting her, and some others in my Esty store in the New Year.

This is Nancy, she's about 6 inches tall. I still need to crochet a hat for her before I give her to my niece.

I'm also making a series of Zombie Baby Sock Monkeys. Just because I can. Actually, this gives me more leeway in what I can do with a sock monkey, other than just 'cute'. This guy is Mike and he mindlessly creates death and destruction where ever he goes. But in a sock monkey way, of course.

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