Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Promises

Sarah (the little one) is standing with Betty. Yep, they're up in my Etsy store.
I've been using my sock monkeys as part of my baby shower gifts. You know, get a pretty gift bag, fill it up with baby supplies, throw a little sock monkey on top of it all. It's machine washable too!

 Man, there are a lot of talented people out there at Etsy, who can make such wonderful things. I expected to be lost in the crowd, but I got an invitation to join the group of 'Durham Region Handmade Cafe'. It's a local group made of crafters to post photos of what they do and to connect with others. It's great to see what is happening in your own neighbourhood! I also got a nibble from a store on Queen St. East about selling my little plushies. Let's see what happens.
Who would have known things like this could happen in my life?!

It's taken me this long to consider selling anything I've made because I've never thought it was worth selling- or as family members commented, "who would want that?".

Well, these little bits of interest that I've gotten though the internet has proven them wrong. I always knew to keep creating no matter what the good/bad comments were, I just never thought I could actually show and sell.
 One of my assemblages. I'll post some others at a future date, and maybe put these in my Etsy store too.

This is Brodie wondering why I'm always sticking this camera in his face. Especially when he's sleeping.

1 comment:

Rurality said...

Your Brodie looks a lot like our George.

I like the things you make - my absolute favorite is the zombie sock monkey!