Thursday, January 21, 2010

House Matters

This is what we bought for our house a week ago:


We are now officially house rich and cash poor. The hutch was on sale after the 'Boxing Week' was over. We had our eye on it for nearly a month. Now it's in a snug niche in our kitchen, and for some reason, the cats are leaving it alone. Maybe because they're busy looking out for squirrels- and STANLEY!!!
Stanley is an ex-resident of this house. His family moved four blocks away, which means he's close enough to walk through an alley, cross a busy street, jump a few fences, and go through a thick cedar bush in order to knock on our door. Brodie and Jazzie get their dose of drama when he shows up.
     This is Stanley. I do not have permission from my cats to let him into the house. Even during an a hurricane or other acts of God.

   I'll be starting my art projects, now that Chris Greenhaugh (owner of Scenelements) has made the frames for them. They're sitting in the basement waiting to be collaged, painted and assembled to within an inch of it's life. This 3x6.5 ft. frame will be part of my urban landscape series. I will post an "after" photo when I'm done. This will be a new direction for me to take with my art work. I've mostly painted mandalas in the past, while these landscapes will be more abstract. It's good to stretch one's self. Even when you're terrified of doing so.

Jazzie and Brodie on the lookout.

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